Community Leadership

Organization Directory


活动管理和程序设计(AMP)是一个快节奏的, 以学生为中心的组织,总是提供新的和令人兴奋的东西. 我们计划并实施有趣的免费活动,让每个人都能在Cap享受. Our office is in the basement of the Student Union, across from the Capital University Post Office. 我们一直在寻找会员来帮助我们策划和实施校园活动. If you have any event ideas or would like to help us plan events, come to an AMP meeting! 会议时间是每周一晚上九点半.

African Student Union

The main aim of the African Student Union is to unite all students of African descent on Capital University’s campus. 这种团结有助于促进和维护校园内的非洲文化. 这个组织对所有出身的学生开放. The goal of ASU is to emphasize, educate and appreciate the culture of the African Continent. 亚利桑那州立大学将通过他们的教育分享他们的文化经验, activities, and community involvement. Africa, 作为一个大陆,代表着不同的国家和每个国家, 在文化方面有很大的不同吗. ASU recognizes these differences and heads towards bridging the gap between students from various countries in Africa to extending beyond our horizon.

BridgeUSA at Capital University

BridgeUSA是一个支持观点多样性的多党派学生运动, responsible discourse, 以及以解决方案为导向的政治文化. We are developing a generation of leaders that value empathy and constructive engagement because our generation will bear the cost of polarization and tribalism for years to come.

We believe that polarization is damaging our country and causing young people to either disengage from democracy or radically engage by fitting a partisan mold. Democracy is in danger if the next generation is disengaged and polarized because young people are the future of our country.

The purpose of BridgeUSA is to build a Bridge community — one in which students from across the ideological spectrum can engage as a group working together to understand — to bridge — the various perspectives behind the important political and social issues of our time.

We rise above party. 我们不强迫团结或妥协. 我们相信桥梁心态——观点的多样性, constructive engagement, 以及以解决方案为导向的政治文化


CapaThon is a student ran organization that works with Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Children’s Miracle Network to put on a Dance Marathon. The organization will do many different fundraising events and the one-day Dance Marathon during the school year. All money raised will go to benefit the kids at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in the hematology and oncology units.

Circle K International

Circle K International is a service organization formed to help the community through various service projects. 它是基瓦尼斯国际领导的一系列组织的一部分. Circle K International also aims to build fellowship and create leaders within the membership.

College Republicans


  1. 教育学生了解当前的政治问题, voter education, and conservative ideologies.
  2. To advocate Conservative values, 包括个人自决, 维护美国制度, and limited government.
  3. 帮助推动保守主义运动,改善我们周围的社区.
Delta Phi Epsilon

成立于1917年基于正义的价值观, sisterhood, 和爱情在纽约大学法学院. This is an organization that works day in and day out to uphold these values in our everyday life. DPhiE is passionate about the events we hold every semester in order to raise funds and awareness for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF), 神经性厌食症及相关疾病协会(ANAD), 以及教育基金会, our three philanthropies. 这个姐妹会相信通过我们的相似点来建立联系, 在教学和学习中,不仅要接受我们的差异, but celebrating them. 我们相信多样性和包容性, and it is of the utmost importance that each sister embraces her uniqueness and finds a home on campus. We support ourselves, each other, and our community through strengthening our bonds of sisterhood and offering lifelong support. 这是一生的姐妹情谊,任何人都可以找到他们应得的爱!

Delta Sigma Pi

Delta Sigma Pi是一个专业的商业兄弟会,对所有商业专业的学生开放! 作为一个整体,我们的兄弟们共同努力建立我们的专业和社会事业. 我们努力回馈社会, build our network, and promote ourselves as upstanding business professionals while building great relationships with our fellow brothers. This organization is internationally recognized as one of the most prestigious in its category.

Ebony Brotherhood Association

乌木兄弟会协会,也被称为EBA,是一个多元化的办公室 & 包容性附属组织. EBA的使命是支持和提升黑人男性的正面形象 & women at Capital University. 很多人都知道威尼斯人平台是一所以白人为主的学府. Therefore, EBA was designed to be a proud and visible place for representation for those most underrepresented in Capital. EBA的成员每年都通过不同的节目来完成它的使命. Our programs emphasize the overall well-being of our members and community- at large through community outreach, mental health awareness, 并与各种校园社区成员合作. 我们的许多活动都是教育性的, 涵盖各种文化和社会经济问题, 但对我们的黑人社区来说是令人愉快和难忘的.

有一种普遍的误解,认为EBA只对黑人成员开放. 这与事实相去甚远. We feel that it is of the utmost importance to be a safe and welcoming organization for ALL members of our campus community to help us uphold the missions and values of our great organization.

Interfaith Student Organization

跨信仰学生组织(ISO)寻求提升学生的无信仰, 宗教和精神传统, 尤其是那些在校园里没有代表的人, 通过将灵性与学术生活结合起来,同时促进人际关系, peace, 以及对所有信仰和精神传统的理解.

Interfraternity Council

威尼斯人平台博爱理事会促进更密切的工作关系, 鼓励兄弟会成员之间的自我管理的理想, education, and unity, 并维护威尼斯人平台和整个希腊社区的价值观.

Kappa Sigma

1869年在弗吉尼亚大学成立, Kappa Sigma是世界上最大的社会兄弟会. 我们坚持我们的四大支柱:奖学金、领导、奖学金和服务. Kappa Sigma的Tau Mu分会于2015年春天成立. Annually, 我们的分会参加了卡帕西格玛军事英雄活动, 还要举办几场正式活动. The Kappa Sigma Fraternity will better your college experience and opens the door for opportunities, 不像任何其他组织.  

Phi Kappa Psi

The Ohio-Xi chapter of Phi Kappa Psi is a social fraternity founded in 2010 at Capital University! The goal of this organization is to help better men through the great joy of serving others and to help prepare them for their future in the professional world. 

Pre-Health Association

The Pre-Health Association aims to provide a supportive community for individuals interested in the field of healthcare, including but not limited to students studying in a pre-health specialty through conversation, events, resources and opportunities. 

We are a space of growth and support for all students interested in the healthcare field!

ROTC at Capital University

The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) at Capital University is a dynamic program designed to develop leadership skills, military knowledge, and physical fitness. 我们的后备军官训练队学员在严格的学术研究和军事训练之间取得平衡, 为将来成为美国陆军军官做准备.S. Armed Forces.

Sigma Alpha Iota

Sigma Alpha Iota is an international professional music fraternity dedicated to encouraging, nurturing, and supporting the art of music. SAI的目标是代表最高的音乐奖学金, 因为品格高尚正直, and for the maintenance of friendly and unselfish relations among women and gender-nonconforming musicians in the musical profession. Anyone who identifies as a woman or as gender-nonconforming and has one credit of music (being a music major is not required) is welcome.

Sister Network

Sister Network is an organization that was created to empower women on campus and encourage women to take part in service and personal development. 


学生运动员咨询委员会, is an organization at Capital University that focuses on the well-being of student-athletes and the promotion of Capital Athletics. SAAC is an NCAA supported organization that aims to create a successful environment for all students on campus that decide to partake in campus athletics. 必须参加威尼斯人平台的校队体育项目才能成为会员, 但促销活动对所有学生开放. 可识别的事件和促销活动从SAAC包括, the Annual Dodgeball Tournament, 俄亥俄州罗纳德麦当劳之家的Pop Tab Collection, and Game Day Shirts. 如果有兴趣加入或了解更多关于SAAC的信息, 在社交媒体上关注我们或威尼斯人官网的组织主席!